30 December 2009

Lost Echoes, by Joe R. Lansdale

Lost Echoes by Joe R. Lansdale
Vintage Books - Random House Inc ISBN 978-0-307-27544-8

pg 1 (intro)
Bodies were found in a car at the bottom of a vine and brush-covered hill

need a hyphen after vine. "vine- and brush-covered"

pg 7
Big, rusted, humped-back bugs moving in extreme slow motion toward the concealment of the woods.

sentence fragment.

pg 7
There was an old woodstove that had been converted to gas

If that's not outright impossible, it would be way too expensive to consider, except maybe as a novelty project. Maybe it's an old electric stove that was converted to gas?

pg 41
(the hand) was short fingered and thick like a catcher's mitt, scarred all over from wrenches that slipped and slammed them into bolts and sharp-edged metal.

first, short fingered needs a hyphen.
second, the subject changes from the hand to the fingers. Better would be "and slammed it into bolts...", better yet would be "...like a catcher's mitt, the fingers scarred all over from..."

pg 116
Somewhere a police car made with a whoop-whoop sound.

"with" is unneccessary.

pg 163
watch when you zip up, least you hang the meat.

typo: "lest" instead of "least."

pg 229
while Talia made coffee

Talia isn't there. It's Kayla making the coffee.

pg 322
The chief parked the car at the edge of the cliff, put it in gear... "What I'd like you to do... is slide back behind the wheel, and then put it in gear..."

the chief probably took it out of gear, not "put it in gear."

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